The best ways to stream at home
Streaming video and audio are the two latest products of the internet age. Gone are the days when you maintained a movie and music collection. For a small monthly subscription, you can now play from a catalog of thousands of movies or millions of songs. Two of the most prominent services that stream are Netflix
The State of Encryption on Smartphones
The battle between the FBI and Apple over unlocking the San Bernadino shooters iPhone has raised awareness of mobile phone encryption. It appears however that unlike Apple’s iPhone, most Android phones are not encrypted. According to Jose Pagliery writing for CNN Money: “Although 97% of Android phones have encryption as an option, less than 35%
Apple set for March 22nd Event
Apple has set a date for its march event. Slated for the 22nd, Apple are expected to unveil a new iPhone and a new iPad. The rumors were for two possible iPad options. The first was an update to the iPad Air 3. This would bring it up to date with the new A9 processor
Apple Forecasts Earning Decline for the Second Quarter
Apple scored record revenue for the first quarter, but the big news coming out of the earning call is the forecast for the next quarter has sales of the iPhone falling year over year for the first time since its inception. This earning decline is also the first time Apple has had a year over
Apple Reports Record First Quarter
Today Apple announced record revenue for its first quarter of the 2016 financial year. Earlier this year Apple declared the 2015 holiday season to be its biggest ever. The only details revealed then were app store sales figures for a single day sales record of $144 million and a record breaking $1.1 billion dollar two
How Apple Watch Keeps its Time
One of the features brought up again and again on Apple Watch marketing material is its accurate time keeping. Apple says that the time on the Apple Watch is accurate to 50ms of the global time standard. The time on each watch is so accurate that if you were to place two Apple Watches side
Apple Dominates Holiday Season Again
The past few years have seen Apple dominate the holiday season and this year is no different. According to Flurry Insights, a Yahoo analytics firm this season was dominated by Phablets. Sales of the large phones accounted for 27% of all device activations and Apple devices accounted for 49% of those devices. Although this figure
Cortana to release iOS beta shortly, download links will be set via email
Google has taken clear steps to fix its relationship with the news and publishing industry. The search giant has put aside 150 million Euros not only for startups but also for those creating new products, services and technology for the news industry. In a statement explaining the funding, Ludovic Blecher, a Google employee, wrote, “Projects
Google Opens Applications for $170 million DNI Innovation Fund, 120 Publishers Signed On So Far
Google has taken clear steps to fix its relationship with the news and publishing industry. The search giant has put aside 150 million Euros not only for startups but also for those creating new products, services and technology for the news industry. In a statement explaining the funding, Ludovic Blecher, a Google employee, wrote, “Projects
Apple’s OS X Experiencing Security Issues, Still Better Than Windows
It was not long ago that Apple actually scored a few hits against Microsoft with its Mac vs. PC ads. Of course, it was marketing fluff that was part of Apple’s campaign to capitalize on Microsoft’s security revamp that went on for years. However, all this has changed now. Apple’s OS X, that has