Month: June 2015
Written by adminJune 24, 2015
Microsoft launches Office for Android, Clearly Embracing a Cross-Platform Approach
Software Article
Five weeks after Microsoft released a preview of Office for Android, it announced the official launch of the suite of applications. This release includes Word, Excel and Powerpoint designed in particular for Android phones. This follows the company’s efforts to bring Office to Android tablets as well as iOS devices too. A number of common
Written by adminJune 23, 2015
Instagram Offers New Explore Tab for Real-Time Coverage, US Users Will Use the Feature First
Apple Article
Instagram has real-time coverage of what is happening in the world. Only now, it intend to exploit this ability with its launch of a revised Explore tab. Some of the features that you will find include curated content, Trending Tags and Places as well as a new Places Search. Not only can you look for